Research-Practice Partnerships for Racially Just School Communities by Camille Wilson

Camille Wilson Article

FLDC member Camille Wilson published a post, “Research-Practice Partnerships for Racially Just School Communities”, which explains that “research-practice partnerships (RPPs) enable some of the most meaningful and influential research to be conducted collaboratively. By bringing together university researchers with practitioners and community members, RPPs in education, for example, help to ensure that the processes and outcomes […]

Creating Anti-Racist Childhood Spaces

Iheoma Iruka and other scholars co-authored, Creating Anti-Racist Childhood Spaces. They discuss the racial history of early childhood programs and the racism currently present and provide strategies for creating anti-racist early childhood spaces. Read Here

Confronting Structural Inequities in AI for Education

Ezekiel Dixon-Román and other scholars co-authored, Confronting Structural Inequities in AI for Education. The article discusses how educational AI technologies are situated in and reproduce inequities and offer alternative visions for more equitable educational AI research. Read Here

Pedagogical “Hands and Eyes”: Embodied Learning and the Genesis of Ethical Perception

Shirin Vossoughi, Meg Escude, Walter Kitundu and Manuel Luis Espinoza recently co-authored Pedagogical “Hands and Eyes”: Embodied Learning and the Genesis of Ethical Perception. They examine ethnographic data collected within a participatory design project on after-school learning and educational justice and discuss “new ways of seeing and relating.” More Here

2021 FLDC Codesigning Justice Institute

Check out and apply for FLDC’s Codesigning Educational Justice Institute on June 30th and July 1st, 2021. The institute is a 2-day hands-on learning experience intended to support families of color and educators as leaders in collaborating together to foster more just learning for young people. Participants will take up solidarity-driven codesign as a collective practice to […]

20 Years of Youth Power: the 2020 National Youth Organizing Field Scan

20 Years of Youth Power: the 2020 National Youth Organizing Field Scan

The Funders’ Collaborative on Youth Organizing released 20 Years of Youth Power: the 2020 National Youth Organizing Field Scan. This report was co-authored by Michelle Renée Valladares, Siomara Valladares, Matt Garcia, Kata Baca, Ben Kirshner and other scholars. It provides an in-depth review of the youth organizing field for the past 20 years.  Read Here

Handbook of Cultural Foundations of Learning

Na’ilah Suad Nasir, Carol Lee, Maxine McKinney de Royston and Roy Pea were co-editors of Handbook of Cultural Foundations of Learning. This book highlights research that explores learning as an inherently cultural process. Ezekiel J. Dixon-Román, Maxine de Royston and other scholars co-authored a chapter titled, Reconceptualizing the Quantitative-Qualitative Divide: Toward a New Empiricism. In this chapter, they […]

Summer Learning and Beyond: Opportunities for Creating Equity

Megan Bang, Kris D. Gutiérrez, Ann Ishimaru, Carol D. Lee, Na’ilah Suad Nasir, Shirin Vossoughi and colleagues co-authored Summer Learning and Beyond: Opportunities for Creating Equity. This report was published by Learning Policy Institute and Spencer Foundation and aims to support schools in providing “equitable, rigorous, and meaningful” education during the pandemic and beyond. It brings together research on the […]

K-12 Equity Directors: Configuring the Role for Impact

Terrance Green, Ann Ishimaru, Decoteau Irby and other scholars recently co-authored, K-12 Equity Directors: Configuring the Role for Impact. The report discusses the growth of equity directors in school systems across the country and explores different role configurations that could catalyze systemic change. Read Here

Fixating on Pandemic “Learning Loss” Undermines the Need to Transform

antiracist school sign

Maxine McKinney de Royston and Shirin Vossoughi co-authored an op-ed with Truthout, “Fixating on Pandemic ‘Learning Loss’ Undermines the Need to Transform Education”. The authors call for the need to redefine the purposes and the practices of education and the necessity to challenge the “learning loss” narrative along with other harmful educational myths that especially […]

Teach-In on Critical Race Theory

CRT Teach In

FLDC member Gerardo López was one of the speakers at a powerful virtual teach-in on Critical Race Theory hosted by NOLAed: Education for Liberation. Watch a recording here.  Watch Here

Dismantle the School-to-Prison Pipeline, Remove Officers from Schools

Mark Warren, FLDC member, was interviewed by Stephen Abbott with Organizing Engagement about the school-to-prison pipeline and why it must be dismantled. “Mark Warren is a professor of public policy and public affairs at the University of Massachusetts Boston’s McCormack Graduate School. Warren studies how broad-based alliances, grassroots organizing, and multiracial political action can advance […]

The Wall of Moms Got Your Attention, but Mothers Have Always Been Fighting for Change

Image of megaphone, protest signs, and police

Camille Wilson, FLDC member, was quoted in a recent Harper’s Bazaar article on the importance of Black mothers’ activism. Chelsey Sanchez writes, “Camille Wilson, a professor at the University of Michigan whose work explores community leadership and educational activism, says that the stain of slavery has always shaped the way Black women parent—and organize. ‘Black mothers have always […]

In an Era of Pandemic and Protest, STEM Education Can’t Pretend to Be Apolitical

STEM Article Cover Photo

FLDC members Shirin Vossoughi and Megan Bang, along with Daniel Morales-Doyle and Sepehr Vakil, are the authors of an op-ed in Truthout, “In an Era of Pandemic and Protest, STEM Education Can’t Pretend to Be Apolitical”.  “Across the U.S., the push to reopen schools is predicated on troubling beliefs about schools and families. Time at […]

Tips for Collaborating with Other Families for Racial Justice

Two superheroes

In this article from Embrace Race, Dr. Ann Ishimaru hares some of what she’s learned from her work as an educational researcher and organizer. These 5 guidelines offer starting points for families working to lead change in schools to foster racial and educational justice. Collaborating across lines of race, class, language, and other identities is […]

Racialized Formations of Learning In and Across Contexts

Black Lives Matters Protest

This  research brief, written by Ezekiel Dixón-Roman, provides a way of understanding what racializations are, discusses some of the important research literature on the impact of racializations in education, and highlights the potential of comprehensive education policy. “To address the concerns of racialized formations of learning in and across context, policymakers need to consider social […]

Circling To Move Ahead: Building Asian American Community Power For Educational Justice

Visual Meeting Notes

FLDC Phase 2 Partner Southeast Seattle Education Coalition (SESEC) has written a series of blog posts that attend to the resiliency and agency of the Asian American community in Southeast Seattle. Together with the Chinese Information Service Center (CISC), SESEC shares in the first blog post an overview of their design process with a group […]

Building Community & Organizational Capacity for Racial Equity in Southeast Seattle

Visual Meeting Notes

In the local FLDC site in Seattle, co-design was led by the Southeast Seattle Education Coalition (SESEC), in partnership with the University of Washington. SESEC is a coalition of Community Based Organizations (CBOs), schools, educators, community leaders, parents and caregivers, and concerned SE Seattle residents working to improve education for all children, especially those in […]

Equity and Equality in Education: SESEC Summary Report


This summary report, submitted by emily warren & Jondou Chen, documents Phase 2 of the Equity and Equality in Education (EEE) Project led by the Southeast Seattle Education Coalition (SESEC). Over a two year period from Fall 2017 to Summer 2019, the Southeast Seattle Education Coalition (SESEC) convened the Equity and Equality in Education (EEE) […]