Research-Practice Partnerships for Racially Just School Communities by Camille Wilson

FLDC member Camille Wilson published a post, “Research-Practice Partnerships for Racially Just School Communities”, which explains that “research-practice partnerships (RPPs) enable some of the most meaningful and influential research to be conducted collaboratively. By bringing together university researchers with practitioners and community members, RPPs in education, for example, help to ensure that the processes and outcomes […]
“Teach my white son about racism: Utah schools should not try to spare my son’s feelings by avoiding the truth of our history” by Paul Kuttner

Paul Kuttner, FLDC member, wrote, “Teach my white son about racism: Utah schools should not try to spare my son’s feelings by avoiding the truth of our history.” in the Salt Lake Tribune. He writes, “The Utah State Board of Education’s new rules on educational equity in schools include language demanded by legislators and parents […]
FLDC July 2021 Newsletter

Greetings from the Family Leadership Design Collaborative. This month, in addition to sharing updates and learnings, we want to acknowledge the ongoing, devastating news regarding the remains of Indigenous children being found at residential schools. On July 1st, many wore orange, which “has become a symbol of support for healing in Indigenous communities from trauma inflicted […]
FLDC 2021 Codesigning Educational Justice Institute

On June 30th and July 1st, we held the inaugural FLDC Codesigning Educational Justice Institute! We were joined by eight teams of parents, educators, and community leaders committed to racial justice and community well-being. Read more about the Institute here!
Curricular Reorganization in the Third Space: A Case of Consequential Reasoning around Data

FLDC member Kris Gutiérrez is one of the authors of “Curricular Reorganization in the Third Space: A Case of Consequential Reasoning around Data”. The authors discuss “a social design-based research project to co-design and study data literacy units” which “encourages nondominant students to integrate everyday practices and scientific datasets by using storytelling and computational transformation […]
FLDC Codesigning Educational Justice Institute

We are ecstatic about the inaugural FLDC Codesigning Educational Justice Institute at the end of the month! We received a high level of interest and 8 teams were selected to join using criteria based on FLDC principles. Our powerful team, including Ann Ishimaru, Megan Bang, Anthony Craig, Muhammad Khalifa and other FLDC leaders and scholars will be […]
FLDC June Newsletter

Greetings from the Family Leadership Design Collaborative. The FLDC is excited to host the Codesigning Educational Justice Institute this month where we will be taking up solidarity-driven codesign with families/communities and educators across the country to reimagine education. In this issue, we share: Recent publications from FLDC members Powerful podcasts and blogs from the FLDC Network The National […]
Creating Anti-Racist Childhood Spaces

Iheoma Iruka and other scholars co-authored, Creating Anti-Racist Childhood Spaces. They discuss the racial history of early childhood programs and the racism currently present and provide strategies for creating anti-racist early childhood spaces. Read Here
Confronting Structural Inequities in AI for Education

Ezekiel Dixon-Román and other scholars co-authored, Confronting Structural Inequities in AI for Education. The article discusses how educational AI technologies are situated in and reproduce inequities and offer alternative visions for more equitable educational AI research. Read Here
Inquiry and Learning in Literature

Carol D. Lee authored a chapter, Inquiry and Learning in Literature, in the International Handbook of Inquiry and Learning. This chapter discusses what comprehending and interpreting literature requires and the role that inquiry takes on in such learning. More Here
Pedagogical “Hands and Eyes”: Embodied Learning and the Genesis of Ethical Perception

Shirin Vossoughi, Meg Escude, Walter Kitundu and Manuel Luis Espinoza recently co-authored Pedagogical “Hands and Eyes”: Embodied Learning and the Genesis of Ethical Perception. They examine ethnographic data collected within a participatory design project on after-school learning and educational justice and discuss “new ways of seeing and relating.” More Here
Moscas, metiches, and methodologies: exploring power, subjectivity, and voice when researching the undocumented

Gerardo López and Alonso R. Reyna Rivarola co-authored, Moscas, metiches, and methodologies: exploring power, subjectivity, and voice when researching the undocumented. Rivarola and López examine the challenges when researching the self/other while exploring the larger purpose(s) of research in the academy. More Details
On the Abolition of Belonging as Property: Toward Justice for Immigrant Children of Color

Mariana Souto-Manning recently authored, On the Abolition of Belonging as Property: Toward Justice for Immigrant Children of Color. This article examines the racialized notions of belonging and calls for the abolishment of belonging as property and to work towards collective healing. Read Here
Agency and Resilience in the Face of Challenge as Civic Action: Lessons Learned from Across Ethnic Communities

Carol Lee and other scholars co-edited Educating for Civic Reason and Discourse, a report published by the National Academy of Education. Megan Bang, Bryan McKinley Jones Brayboy, Kris D. Gutiérrez, Carol D. Lee and other scholars co-authored a chapter, Agency and Resilience in the Face of Challenge as Civic Action: Lessons Learned from Across Ethnic […]
2021 FLDC Codesigning Justice Institute

Check out and apply for FLDC’s Codesigning Educational Justice Institute on June 30th and July 1st, 2021. The institute is a 2-day hands-on learning experience intended to support families of color and educators as leaders in collaborating together to foster more just learning for young people. Participants will take up solidarity-driven codesign as a collective practice to […]
20 Years of Youth Power: the 2020 National Youth Organizing Field Scan

The Funders’ Collaborative on Youth Organizing released 20 Years of Youth Power: the 2020 National Youth Organizing Field Scan. This report was co-authored by Michelle Renée Valladares, Siomara Valladares, Matt Garcia, Kata Baca, Ben Kirshner and other scholars. It provides an in-depth review of the youth organizing field for the past 20 years. Read Here
In it Together: Community-Based Research Guidelines for Communities and Higher Education

FLDC member Paul Kuttner and other scholars recently co-authored: In it Together: Community-Based Research Guidelines for Communities and Higher Education. The report was published by the Community Research Collaborative — a collaborative that brings together researchers and community members to promote participatory and action-oriented research in Utah. It provides guidance for community members and researchers who […]
Interrogating Languaging Through Power, Race, and Space in the Schooling of Translingual Student Populations

Kris D. Gutiérrez and colleagues co-authored a chapter titled, Interrogating Languaging Through Power, Race, and Space in the Schooling of Translingual Student Populations, in the Handbook of Urban Education. The chapter discusses how language can be used as a tool to teach but also as a tool for harm. Learn More
The Interview as Pedagogical Encounter: Nurturing Knowledge and Relationships with Youth

The Interview as Pedagogical Encounter: Nurturing Knowledge and Relationships with Youth, a chapter co-authored by Shirin Vossoughi in the book, Critical Youth Research in Education, examines typical approaches to the interview “as an information extraction procedure” to reframing it as a “dialogical, joint activity.” Learn More
Restorative Justice in Education: Transforming Teaching and Learning Through the Disciplines

Mariana Souto-Manning recently co-authored Race Matters in Early Childhood Education, a chapter in Restorative Justice in Education: Transforming Teaching and Learning Through the Disciplines. The book discusses how restorative justice can be leveraged to teach across disciplines. Learn More
Educating for Civic Reasoning & Discourse

Carol Lee recently co-edited, Educating for Civic Reasoning and Discourse, a report published by the National Academy of Education that aims “to better prepare students to examine and discuss complex civic, political, and social issues by ensuring that the curricula, pedagogy, and learning environments that they experience are informed by the best available evidence and practice.” Read Here
Handbook of Cultural Foundations of Learning

Na’ilah Suad Nasir, Carol Lee, Maxine McKinney de Royston and Roy Pea were co-editors of Handbook of Cultural Foundations of Learning. This book highlights research that explores learning as an inherently cultural process. Ezekiel J. Dixon-Román, Maxine de Royston and other scholars co-authored a chapter titled, Reconceptualizing the Quantitative-Qualitative Divide: Toward a New Empiricism. In this chapter, they […]
Summer Learning and Beyond: Opportunities for Creating Equity

Megan Bang, Kris D. Gutiérrez, Ann Ishimaru, Carol D. Lee, Na’ilah Suad Nasir, Shirin Vossoughi and colleagues co-authored Summer Learning and Beyond: Opportunities for Creating Equity. This report was published by Learning Policy Institute and Spencer Foundation and aims to support schools in providing “equitable, rigorous, and meaningful” education during the pandemic and beyond. It brings together research on the […]
FLDC May Newsletter

Greetings from the Family Leadership Design Collaborative. The ongoing impacts of the pandemic and escalating violence across the globe have been heartbreaking and painful. As you continue to press forward and engage in powerful ways to advance educational justice and community well-being, we hope that you are finding care and healing within your communities of support. […]
Intersectional Organizing and Educational Justice Movements: Strategies for Cross-Movement Solidarities

Mark Warren recently co-authored, Intersectional Organizing and Educational Justice Movements: Strategies for Cross-Movement Solidarities. This article discusses intersectional organizing as a means towards building solidarity across issues, organizations and communities to advance a united educational justice movement. Read Here
K-12 Equity Directors: Configuring the Role for Impact

Terrance Green, Ann Ishimaru, Decoteau Irby and other scholars recently co-authored, K-12 Equity Directors: Configuring the Role for Impact. The report discusses the growth of equity directors in school systems across the country and explores different role configurations that could catalyze systemic change. Read Here
FLDC April Newsletter

Greetings from the Family Leadership Design Collaborative. The ongoing racial reckonings across the nation continue to weigh on us, and we hope that you are finding care and healing within your families and communities of support. In this issue, we share: Online events to hear from Carol Lee, Na’ilah Suad Nasir, Maxine McKinney de Royston, […]
FLDC March Newsletter

Greetings from the Family Leadership Design Collaborative. Spring flowers are beginning to bloom, and we sense a renewed energy to continue building towards more equitable futures. In this issue, we share: Congratulations to Megan Bang’s recent election into the National Academy of Education and Bryan McKinley Jones Brayboy’s new role. Opportunities to learn and connect […]
Centering Black Families and Justice-Focused Educators during Pandemic Remote Schooling

FLDC members Ann Ishimaru and Filiberto Barajas-López co-authored a report centering the experiences of Black families during pandemic remote learning. Learn more about how their partnership is working to illuminate the experiences and priorities of families to catalyze district change Read Here
Understanding Root Causes of Inequities: Praxis During Pandemics

Learn about how the Center for Youth and Community Leadership in Education (CYCLE), led by FLDC member, Keith Catone, are supporting school districts through cross-site learning in creating deeper understanding of systemic and school-level barriers, identifying interventions that address those barriers, and bringing together school districts and communities to devise plans to reverse historical patterns […]