FLDC 2021 Codesigning Educational Justice Institute

On June 30th and July 1st, we held the inaugural FLDC Codesigning Educational Justice Institute! We were joined by eight teams of parents, educators, and community leaders committed to racial justice and community well-being. Read more about the Institute here!
In it Together: Community-Based Research Guidelines for Communities and Higher Education

FLDC member Paul Kuttner and other scholars recently co-authored: In it Together: Community-Based Research Guidelines for Communities and Higher Education. The report was published by the Community Research Collaborative — a collaborative that brings together researchers and community members to promote participatory and action-oriented research in Utah. It provides guidance for community members and researchers who […]
Codesigning With Indigenous Families and Educators: Creating Robotics Education That Contributes to Indigenous Resurgence

FLDC member Megan Bang, along with Carrie Tzou, Elizabeth Starks, Meixi, Amanda Rambayon, Sara Marie Ortiz, Shawn Peterson, Paradise Gladstone, Ellie Tail, Arianna Chang, Elise Andrew, Xochitl Nevarez, Ashley Braun, wrote Codesigning With Indigenous Families and Educators, which explores “how a complex and highly collaborative partnership worked to examine its biases and assumptions in an […]
Fostering Family-Educator Collaboration for Parent Power in Salt Lake City

The goal of the Family-School Collaboration Design Research Project, the local FLDC site in Utah, is to design spaces where families have real, collective impact on school-site decision making. The central focus has been on redesigning School Community Councils (SCCs), Utah’s forum for shared governance between families and schools. SCC’s are failing — perhaps designed […]
Building Community & Organizational Capacity for Racial Equity in Southeast Seattle

In the local FLDC site in Seattle, co-design was led by the Southeast Seattle Education Coalition (SESEC), in partnership with the University of Washington. SESEC is a coalition of Community Based Organizations (CBOs), schools, educators, community leaders, parents and caregivers, and concerned SE Seattle residents working to improve education for all children, especially those in […]
Bending the River: Cultivating Indigenous Wellbeing in Chicago

The Chicago Global Indigeneity Project is working to cultivate intergenerational learning opportunities to support Indigenous knowledge, identities, and practices. This project utilizes co-design to identify community-desired learning opportunities, design youth and family programs, and measure learning and change in the community. A central design goal has been the creation of intentional spaces to connect elders, […]
Re-imagining Black and Brown Solidarities in Los Angeles

The goal of co-design in South LA is to interrupt and shift power dynamics between school staff and low-income parents of color. It is centered on the work of CADRE, a parent-led community organization, in partnership with UCLA faculty. CADRE was founded in response to Black South LA parents who wanted to take on anti-Black […]
Equity and Equality in Education: SESEC Summary Report

This summary report, submitted by emily warren & Jondou Chen, documents Phase 2 of the Equity and Equality in Education (EEE) Project led by the Southeast Seattle Education Coalition (SESEC). Over a two year period from Fall 2017 to Summer 2019, the Southeast Seattle Education Coalition (SESEC) convened the Equity and Equality in Education (EEE) […]