Solidarity-Driven Decision-Making: Enacting Equity in Partnering & Decision Making (Phase 2 Report)

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This document elaborates FLDC’s transition from Phase 1 to Phase 2 of our work building solidarities across youth, families, communities, educators, and scholars in pursuit of educational justice and community wellbeing.

In phase 1, we developed and “ground truthed” new theories and practices for engaging families and communities in decisionmaking and articulated a transformative research and practice agenda. In phase 1, we aimed to implement and refine our theories and practices through extended local and crosssite codesign in five community contexts: LA, Chicago, Salt Lake City, Seattle, and Southfield, MI.

This report emerged from nearly nine months of collective deliberation and data analysis. We outline our solidaritydriven decisionmaking process to launch phase 2 with our partner sites.

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